More than a month after releasing iOS 18.1, Apple launched iOS 18.2 on December 11. Additional Apple Intelligence capabilities, such as Genmoji and ChatGPT integrated Siri, were added to some iPhones with the upgrade. However, the flashlight and camera functions on your iPhone’s lock screen might be changed or removed when Apple introduced iOS 18 in September.
I’ve been wanting this function for a long, and in 2023, Android smartphones received a comparable capability. I’m certain that the ability to modify and disable your iPhone’s lock screen features will help prevent users from inadvertently turning on their flashlights.
Read more: Your iPhone Gets These New Features with iOS 18
Here are some tips for improving the use of your lock screen.
How to modify the controls on your iPhone’s lock screen
- Go to Settings.
- Press the Wallpaper button.
- Under your lock screen, choose Customize.
The flashlight and camera buttons at the bottom of your screen will be surrounded by recognizable shapes when you bring up your lock screen. By pressing the minus (-) symbol next to them, you may remove them. In the upper right corner of your screen, choose Done after deleting one or both controls.
With iOS 18, you may add a few controls to your lock screen.
You may put a variety of controls on your lock screen, including these.
Apple/CNET Screenshot
After deleting the flashlight and camera, hit the addition (+) symbol that shows up to bring up the Control menu. This is how you add new controls. This menu displays all of the controls, such as Quick Note and Translate, that you may add to the lock screen.
Additionally, there is a control known as Open App. This enables you to choose any program on your iPhone, even if it isn’t listed, and launch it directly from your lock screen. It makes it simple to launch your favorite applications without being distracted by other apps, but you still need to unlock your iPhone in order to use it.
After choosing Open App, all of your applications will be shown when you hit Choose in the new menu. After selecting any app, including Hello Kitty Island Adventure games, press outside of the menu and choose Done.
The Quick Notes and Hello Kitty Island Adventure features on the iPhone lock screen
When I said that Hello Kitty Island Adventure was on my lock screen, I meant it.
Apple/CNET Screenshot
You will now either see controls that you use more often or no controls at all on your iPhone’s lock screen when you lock it. Now you may open Hello Kitty at random—sorry, I suppose I’ll have to make a strawberry shortcake for everyone.
Learn more about iOS 18 by reading about iOS 18.2 and iOS 18.1. Additionally, you may look at our iOS 18 cheat sheet and see what iOS 18.3 could bring to your iPhone.